Retail Publication
Graphic Design | Photography | Art Direction | Editorial Design | Copywriting | Digital Design

Cadillac Fairview (CF) aimed to inform office and retail workers across Canada about new store and brand openings at its various properties while showcasing retail design. The goal was to create a digital publication that highlights retail design projects and the collaborative teams behind them, emphasizing CF's commitment to innovation and design excellence. The challenges for the project were the following:

Effectively communicating new store and brand openings to a diverse audience of office and retail workers.

Showcasing retail design projects in a visually appealing and informative manner.

Establishing Form & Function as a trusted source for architectural design and industry announcements within the retail community.​​​​​​​

CF addressed the challenge by creating Form & Function, a glossy magazine-style digital publication that highlights retail design projects and the collaborative teams behind them. The newsletter showcases new store and brand openings across CF's properties in Canada, emphasizing innovative retail design and the creative teams responsible for executing successful store openings. Form & Function started as a prototype project in 2015 to measure the retail community's interest in architectural design and industry announcements. After the premiere issue, interest grew, and the newsletter evolved into a quarterly digital magazine with its own website, offered in both English and French. Issues were broadcast on CF's digital network in lobbies and elevators throughout its properties nationwide, as well as at its headquarters in downtown Toronto.​​​​​​​ 

As the design leader of Form & Function, I played a pivotal role in conceptualizing and executing the newsletter's design. I led the team in creating a glossy magazine-style publication that emphasizes retail design projects and the collaborative teams behind them. I provided art direction and guided the design process to ensure that Form & Function effectively communicates CF's commitment to design excellence and innovation. Additionally, I collaborated closely with stakeholders to understand their vision and requirements, ensuring that the newsletter meets the needs of office and retail workers across Canada.​​​​​​​

Form & Function has become a trusted source for office and retail workers to stay informed about new store and brand openings in Canada while showcasing innovative retail design projects and the collaborative teams behind them. The magazine-style digital publication has successfully highlighted CF's commitment to design excellence and innovation, establishing the company as a leader in the retail industry. By offering the newsletter in both English and French and broadcasting it on CF's digital network, Form & Function has effectively reached a diverse audience across Canada.​​​​​​​
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